
Luxurious Disconnecting

November 25, 2017 / 7 years ago

If you are like me you probably have a LOVE/HATE relationship with technology. Smart Phones. Tablets. Watches. Laptops. Desktops.  We all have them, use them daily, recognize their importance yet wish we could ignore them. But, because connectivity is available just about everywhere on the planet, unplugging is nearly impossible in this era.

Now, imagine a luxury getaway nestled among stunning mountain peaks with all the comforts of home yet where data, cell coverage and connectivity doesn’t exist so the personal inner battle of whether or not to turn off your devices is decided for you.

No more buzzing, rigging, vibrating and pinging. Instead the peaceful silence of the Alaska Range overtakes your senses and leaves you awestruck at the magnitude of your surroundings. Denali’s summit standing proudly above the other reverent peaks, glaciers sparkling in varying shades of blue all around, air so clean and pure you feel refreshed and invigorated at the same time. Welcome to the Sheldon Chalet.

I have to admit that it is nice to have disconnectivity decided for me. I am not sure I’m strong enough to do it myself and then tell the world I chose to unplug. At the Sheldon Chalet I get to say, “sorry I don’t have connectivity available to me so I won’t be posting to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, etc”.

Instead I get to relax, in real time, on the cozy sofa and be fully present with my family as we stare out the window and marvel at it all. Meanwhile, our lovely concierge Kathryn offers a glass of champagne and Alaskan King Crab. Is this real? Can this all be happening at one time in one place on earth?  It’s almost too much to take in. Can’t wait to post this with the world. Oh wait I can’t – I feel the pressure to post dissipate and it feels good.

Time slowly fades away and the bright white and blues become darker while pinks and purples settle on the peaks signaling the setting sun. Soon, stars begin to flicker into the night sky and become brighter as the sky darkens. Now the moon rises and illuminates the peaks and I find myself awestruck once again. This moment is mine and I am glad I can only share it with those with me right now.

Soon I will crawl into a lovely warm bed with down comforters and plush pillows and await the Aurora to fill the night sky with its brilliance. I watch with anticipation from my cozy bed. Again I find myself asking, is this for real? Can I really be in the middle of a glacier in the Alaska Range all warm and cozy in luxury and fine details?

Why yes, I’m at the Sheldon Chalet. I’ll post when I’m back. For now I’m going to enjoy every moment there is to enjoy.

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